Bentonite SUPER GEL were used in client drilling site
SINO MUD GROUP Bentonite SUPER GEL which equivalent with AMC AUS GEL EXTRA were used at client’s drilling site.
SINO MUD GROUP Bentonite SUPER GEL which equivalent with AMC AUS GEL EXTRA were used at client’s drilling site.
SINOMUD customer in HDD field who buy Bentonite, Liquid Polymer and other drilling fluids from us, wants us to choose HDD drill rods for them.
SINO MUD GROUP go to attend the 13 th Russian Mining and Exploration 10-12 oct 2017 , welcome to vist to stand: 17
SINO MUD export one container Exploration Drilling Powder Polymer CHP ( Equivalent with AMC CR650) to Liberia this Aug.
SINO MUD one container Bentonite SUPER GEL, Lubricant DRILL LUBE, Liquid polymer SUPER POLY, Foaming Agent SUPER FOAM, Powder Polymer CHP were exported to Ghana.
SINO MUD GROUP will go to attend the 2017 Sep 20-22 Kazakhstan KAZXOMAK Exhibition, welcome to vist to stand: C-149.
SINOMUD drilling fluids, Bentonite, Viscosifier VIS, Rod Grease for Mining Exploration, horizontal directional drilling exported to Bishkek KZ successfully.
SINO MUD Group exported one container mining& exploration drilling powder polymer VIS ( Replace AMC CR650) and Viscosifier VIS to Mexico this month.
Please follow SINO MUD homepage on linkedin: We show our drilling fluids picture, project case, you will learn our produces in details.
SINOMUD drilling fluids used in Australia, Powder polymer, Lubricant, Bentonite for Mining exploration。