Happy The National Day

September 29, 2021

SINO MUD Main drilling mud products Liquid Polymer SUPER POLY Powder Polymer CHP Viscosifier CX TROL Bentonite CX GEL

West Africa-focused gold company African Gold Group has announced positive results from the preliminary trenching programme at its Kobada Est exploration target in southern Mali. The Kobada Est trenching programme was completed in June and consisted of three trenches with a combined length of 260 m. Guinea’s junta pledges continuity on mining policies after coup. […]

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

September 17, 2021

SINO MUD is a drilling mud chemicals supplier, Who is specialized in providing one-stop drilling mud sources to drilling companies.
SINO MUD products include Bentonite(CX GEL), Powder Polymer(CHP) , Liquid Polymer(SUPER POLY) ,
Foaming Agent(FOAM PLUS), Lubricant(DRILL LUBE), Rod Grease, Detergent(CX DET), LCM Plug.

SINO MUD is a drilling fluids manufacturer, Who is specialized in providing one-stop drilling mud sources to the drilling companies.
SINO MUD main products include Bentonite, Powder Polymer, Liquid Polymer,
Foaming Agent, Lubricant, Rod Grease, Detergent, LCM Plug.

Mining investment in Mexico is set to climb by about 42% in 2021 to reach more than $5-billion, after tumbling last year during a pandemic-related economic slowdown, the head of the country’s mining chamber forecast on Monday. AngloGold is a potential partner for Latin Metals in Argentina. Latin Metals has found one of the world’s […]

Maersk Notice:

August 13, 2021

There may be no boxes in the future, please arrange a reasonable shipping plan. From now till to Sep 25, Maersk will stop online booking except for the west Africa shiping line, stop to book the vessel for dangerous goods containers (except the own box) are booked . In addition: According to the observation requirements, […]

SINO MUD Drilling polymer CX TROL equal to AMC AUS TROL ,EZEE TROL, MUD LOGIC TROL, CETCO REL-PAC, BAROID QUICK-TROL, MUDDEX VIS TROL RD. SINO MUD viscosifier CX TROL is used for Civil construction, mining drilling, water well drilling and foundation drilling.