Premium Bentonite CX GEL

SINOMUD premium grade bentonite cx gel

Premium Bentonite CX-GEL is a high yield premium-grade bentonite for diamond core drilling used as a primary filter-cake-building, filtration-control and suspension agent in freshwater systems, and has application in all water-base mud systems.

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Premium Bentonite CX GEL is widely used in the mineral exploration,pipe jacking and water well drilling industries as a primary filter cake building, filtration control and suspension agent in fresh water systems.It provides great stability even in poorly consolidated formations and prevents fluids loss during the filter cake building process and is extremely effective viscosifier in fresh and brackish water. It can also be used alongside other drilling mud products.


  • Stabilizes the borehole
  • Improves hole-cleaning capacity of drilling fluids
  • Reduces fluid loss into the formation
  • Is environmentally responsible

Recommended Industries

  • Mineral Exploration
  • Pipe Jacking
  • Water Well Drilling

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Recommended Treatment:

Add bentonite viscosifier CX-GEL in concentrations of 0-25 lb/bbl (0-50 kg/m³) to any active system. Mix slowly through a jet mixer or sift slowly into the vortex of a high-speed stirrer.

SINO MUD bentonite powder drilling CX GEL is used for civil construction, HDD, mining drilling, and water well drilling.

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